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Horticultural therapy is the practice of creating and leading activities which are nature and plant focused to improve mental and physical health

The connection to nature is well documented and researched in improving our mental and physical health. Horticultural therapy can be adapted to suit most environments and individuals to achieve specific goals.

We can help develop new or existing projects, we thrive on collaboration in bringing about green therapeutic spaces.



Studies show children in the UK spend less time outside than a maximum security prisoner.

A relationship with nature in childhood aids wellbeing, resilience, builds empathy and a sense of responsibility.

Horticultural therapy can enhance healthy living, self esteem and confidence in children.

A classroom with views of nature were linked to higher academic grades, a view of mowed grass was not a promoter of academic performance.

Concentration levels and attendance has been shown to improve simply by connecting learning to nature, this can be achieved by school therapy gardens, nature walks, outdoor learning, forest schools and greening of classroom

Hospitals and care homes

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A view of a tree from a hospital bed can mean a patient going home 1 day earlier than someone with no view of a nature scene.

The requirement for pain relief is reduced when plants are visible from hospital beds.

Re admittance of a patient who has a view of plants or a window that looks onto trees and shrubs is less than a patient who does not.

Hospital gardens are designed specifically to meet the needs of the patience, staff and visitors. A garden that meets all the requirements of a public space, has longevity and enhances the reputation of the hospital.

The Workplace


Having plants in the office, a view of trees or a workplace garden can improve employees wellbeing, creativity, and increase productivity by 15% or more(exeter.ac.uk 2013)

Better mental health support in the workplace can save UK business up to £8 Billion per year(mentalhealth).

Stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 57% of all working days lost due to ill health. (HSE 2018)

Nature in the workplace introduces plants to employees in a practical and beneficial programme designed to connect the employee to nature and increase wellbeing.

Town planning, housing development


High levels of parks, gardens and green spaces in urban areas show 7% decrease in crime.

Areas with access to nature can command higher property prices

Studies show neighbourhoods with high proportions of green space have low mortality rates, nationally lower lung, breast and kidney cancers. Green space offers the opportunity for physical activity and increased social connections.

Well designed public green space can bring a community together, create better living and be environmentally sound.